How to get contact lenses

The appointments you'll need—now and later
Once you’ve found an eye care professional, there are three appointments you should expect to put on your calendar. Each is intended to make sure your lenses are comfortable, work well and keep your eyes healthy.
Contact fitting
Your first contact lens fitting will likely take longer than a typical eye exam, so make sure you let your eye care professional know you're interested in contact lenses when you book your exam. At the appointment, your eye care professional will check your vision and eye health and measure the size and shape of your eye so that your contacts fit just right. Ask how to receive a free* trial pair of lenses, and your eye care professiona will show you how to put on, take off, and care for your lenses. Don't hesitate to ask any questions you have!

Follow-up visit
After about a week of getting used to your contacts, you'll return to your eye care professional to be sure they are a good fit, healthy for your eyes, and working as expected. If all is well and you're loving your lenses, you’ll get a prescription and can usually take home a supply that day. Make sure you discuss any questions or concerns you have.