Expert insights on vision and eye health

Browse these articles for news, tip and info on all things vision care.

Four ways digital screens impact eye health & how to protect your eyes

Today, the average adult spends a whopping 13+ hours daily on digital devices—a 35% increase since 2019.1 It’s hardly surprising—from smartphones to tablets, computers to televisions, screens are everywhere. They've become our entertainment, how we communicate with friends and family, and our tool for navigating the world. While these devices can be useful and entertaining, they can also take a toll on our eye health.

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Back to school with healthy eyes

As parents and teachers, it’s all about giving children the things they need to have a fun and successful school year. One important and likely underrated aspect of this is their eye health. As Stanford University professor and development economist Scott Rozelle states, correcting vision “is the single most effective health intervention when it comes to improving academic performance.”

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Caring for your aging eyes

As you get older, one thing becomes clear: change is a constant. Careers change, relationships change, hobbies change, and perspectives change. Eyes are no different. Understanding the ways that your eyes change can keep you from getting caught off guard and help you take better care of your vision in the long run.

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Recognizing and taking charge of your presbyopia

Picture this: You’re sitting at restaurant you’ve been wanting to try, and the server hands you a menu. In the dim light of dinner service, you notice that the words appear blurry, so you squint. That helps a little bit, but it’s still pretty blurry. Luckily, you find that when you hold the menu out at arm’s length, you’re able to read it and choose your dish.

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Getting ready for fall: Managing seasonal allergies while wearing contacts

The changing of green leaves to a landscape of reds, oranges and yellows is a telltale sign that fall is here. Unfortunately, it can also mean the arrival of seasonal allergies. If you love the crisp autumn air but dread the itchy, watery eyes that come with it, you're not alone.

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Does your child have an eye condition?

As a parent, it's part of your job description to ensure that your child is healthy in every way possible, and that includes their eye health. A child’s eyes are constantly in use, teaching them about the world around them through reading, writing, and more. In fact, 80% of what children learn in their first 12 years comes from visuals.

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The effect of screen time on children’s eyes

Let’s face it, screen time has become ubiquitous in today’s digital era. Children in particular have a unique relationship with digital devices. They learn from them, are entertained by them, interact with their friends with them, and more. In short, they grow up dependent on them for a wide variety of needs.

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Important information for contact lens wearers: ACUVUE Contact Lenses are available by prescription only for vision correction. An eye care professional will determine whether contact lenses are right for you. Although rare, serious eye problems can develop while wearing contact lenses. To help avoid these problems, follow the wear and replacement schedule and the lens care instructions provided by your eye doctor. Do not wear contact lenses if you have an eye infection, or experience eye discomfort, excessive tearing, vision changes, redness or other eye problems. If one of these conditions occurs, remove the lens and contact your eye doctor immediately. For more information on proper wear, care and safety, talk to your eye care professional, call 1-800-843-2020, or download the Patient Instruction Guides.



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