Taking great care of your eyes

Whether you clock long hours in front of a screen or you prefer exploring the outdoors until sundown, keeping your eyes healthy can help keep you happy.

A man running outdoors.
Young man leaping with rucksack and phone in hand.

See your Optician every year

Eye tests are about more than vision. In fact, an eye test can help detect over a hundred different medical conditions from diabetes to heart disease.

Woman looking at digital tablet.

Learn how to manage screen time

Life demands a lot from our eyes, and working on digital screens for long periods of time can lead to Digital Eye Strain (DES), or Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS).

Woman outdoors in park looking straight in to camera.

Help protect your eyes from the harmful UV radiation

Eyes are just as vulnerable to UV rays as your skin. That's why knowing ways to protect them, like with UV blocking# in your contact lenses, is so important.

Eat eye-healthy foods+

Certain foods can support your eye health+ now and even help prevent vision damage later in life, reducing your risk of serious chronic eye conditions like cataracts or macular degeneration. Include foods with these key vitamins and nutrients in your diet:

Lutein & Zeaxanthin

These nutrients may reduce the risk of eye diseases like cataracts and can be found in kale, spinach, broccoli, asparagus, raspberries, papaya, peaches, and mangoes.

Vitamin C

This vitamin may lower your risk of developing cataracts, and when taken with other nutrients, it may slow the progression of age-related macular degeneration and visual acuity loss. Vitamin C can be found in oranges, grapefruits, kiwi, strawberries, tomatoes, broccoli, and red and green peppers.

Vitamin E

This vitamin helps protect your eyes and can be found in almonds, sunflower seeds, vegetable oils, avocadoes, wheat germ, and sweet potatoes.

Essential fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids help with visual development and retinal function and can help reduce inflammation and enhance tear production. Sources of essential fatty acids include fish such as salmon and tuna.


Beans and lentils, seeds, meat/seafood, dairy, and eggs are all sources of zinc, which helps bring vitamin A to the retina to help produce a protective pigment in the eyes.

Mother and daughter talking with each other.

Parents: Help your child meet the demands of school

With more and more learning going digital, students are increasingly using screens to study. Learn how this could impact their eyes and tips to help keep their eyes healthy.

Man looking at laptop while working in a library.

Doing eye-intensive tasks at work?

Video conferencing, emails, spreadsheets—as work has become more digital, it's especially important to take care of your eyes.

What should I learn next?

Now that you know the basics of how to keep your eyes healthy, it can be helpful to be proactive and learn not only about the anatomy of the eye itself, but also vision issues and eye conditions to look out for over your lifetime.

The anatomy of the eye

Your eyes receive light and transmit detailed messages to your brain, which interprets them as images. Each part of your eye has a different specialised role in transmitting these images.

Images are for illustrative purposes only and may not be anatomically accurate.

An illustration showing where the cornea is in the eye


At the front is the cornea, a transparent window which allows light to travel into your eye.

An illustration showing where the sclera is in the eye


The sclera is the tough, protective ‘white of your eye’, which is opaque.

An illustration showing where the conjunctiva is in the eye


Around the cornea, a thin, clear membrane called the conjunctiva helps to protect the rest of the front of your eye and the inside of your eyelids.

An illustration showing where the iris is in the eye


Gives eyes their colour and is expanded or contracted with tiny muscles to manage incoming light through the pupil.

An illustration showing where the pupil is in the eye


The small, black spot in the center of the iris, which allows light to enter the eye.

An illustration showing where the lens is in the eye


The flexible and transparent tissue behind the iris and pupil that focuses light on the retina.

An illustration showing where the aqueous humor is in the eye

Aqueous Humor & Vitreous Humor

The cavity between your lens and cornea contains a liquid called Aqueous Humour. A jelly-like substance, called Vitreous Humour, fills the cavity behind your lens. The Aqueous and Vitreous Humours help to give your eyes their shape.

An illustration showing where the retina is in the eye


Your retina’s job is to capture light information that the main nerve in your eye (your optic nerve) sends as nerve impulses to your brain. Your brain then translates these messages into images. On your retina, two types of light-sensitive cells – rods and cones – capture light rays. Rods help you to see in dim light, whilst cones enable you to see detail and colour.

An illustration showing where the macula is in the eye


The area in the center of retina, made up of a high concentration of cones, provides highly detailed vision.

What else can affect my eyes?

An Optician performing a vision test with a phoropter.

Vision issues explained

Are distant objects blurry? Having trouble reading? Learn about the issues that affect your vision and how you can correct them.
An Optician looking down into a lensometer

Common eye conditions

From irritating "pink eye" to Glaucoma, it's important to have regular eye tests and seek advice from an Optician.

Get started with ACUVUE® contact lenses

Try ACUVUE® for free*

Start your free* trial of ACUVUE® contact lenses today.

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Locate an Optician near you where you can get fitted with ACUVUE® contact lenses.

Got Questions?

Connect with an ACUVUE® specialist on our Live Chat or email us.


+ Diet and Nutrition - American Optometric Association

*T&Cs apply: 1 trial per person. 18+. Professional consultation and fitting fees may apply and are not included. Subject to Optician approval. Participating Opticians only. For full terms and conditions see here.

Filtering of HEV light by contact lenses has not been demonstrated to confer any systemic and/or ocular health benefit to the user. The Eye Care Professional should be consulted for more information.

Important information for contact lens wearers: ACUVUE® Contact Lenses can be used for vision correction. An Eye Care Professional will determine whether contact lenses are right for you. Although rare, serious eye problems can develop while wearing contact lenses. To help avoid these problems, follow the wear and replacement schedule and instructions on proper lens care. Do not wear contact lenses if you have an eye infection, any eye disease or systemic disease, that may affect the eye, or if you are allergic to any ingredients. If you experience eye discomfort, excessive tearing, vision changes, redness or other eye problems, remove the lens and contact your Eye Care Professional immediately. For more information, including warnings and precautions, carefully read the Instructions for Use.


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Last updated 18/06/2024
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