Frequently asked questions

We have included some of the most frequently asked questions about contact lenses and your overall eye health below - or click the button below so we can help you find an answer to your question.

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Top Questions

Top questions

How old do I have to be to wear contact lenses?

There is no age limit as such to start wearing contact lenses, it is more about being able to take on the responsibility of looking after them. Most people can start wearing contact lenses in their early teens, and some at a younger age.

Speaking to your parents and consulting an Optician can help you figure out whether contact lenses are right for you.

Are contact lenses comfortable to wear?

Correctly fitted contact lenses should feel comfortable, and most modern soft lenses are made from breathable, moisture-rich materials. As long as you keep to the replacement schedule and cleaning instructions that your Optician provides you with, and go back for regular check-ups, then contact lenses are a healthy vision correction option.

If you're not completely satisfied with ACUVUE® contact lenses then we offer a money back guarantee¥.

Can contact lenses get lost behind my eye?

No, they cannot. A membrane called the conjunctiva covers the white of your eye and connects to the inside of your eyelid so there’s no chance that a contact lens can go behind your eye.

Can contact lenses get stuck to my eye?

Contact lenses cannot get stuck to your eye if you follow your Optician’s advice about wear, care and removal. Mastering taking off your lenses just takes a little patience and practice. Remember to remove your lenses before sleep, and if they feel dry try some rewetting drops before removing them.

Find out about putting contact lenses on and taking them off.

Can contact lenses pop out of your eye?

Properly fitted contact lenses should stay in place. In the rare event that a lens moves out of place, blinking a few times should move it back into position. Alternatively, you can gently massage your eyelid to help do this, or wash and dry your hands, then move the lens back in place with your finger.

Can contact lenses scratch your eye?

Contact lens related problems can occur, however this is very unlikely. Most common eye-health issues are related to poorly fitting lenses or not following your opticians care and wear schedule. If you experience any unusual eye discomfort or changes to your vision while wearing your contact lenses, remove them immediately and call your Optician.

Contact Lens Prescriptions

Contact lens prescriptions

Why do I need a prescription for contact lenses?

A contact lens is legally considered a medical device, which is why you need a prescription. Only a qualified eye care professional can properly measure you for vision correction and determine which size and type of contact lens is best for you. Also, safely wearing contact lenses requires periodic monitoring of your eye health and vision needs. Typically, an annual examination is recommended for renewal of your contact lens prescription, as your vision and eye health may change over time.

Is my contact lens prescription different to my glasses prescription?

Yes. A prescription for contact lenses requires different information than a glasses prescription. Along with the level of vision correction, a contact lens prescription will include the lens type, replacement schedule, a measurement of the base curve and diameter of your eyes. These are fitting specifications, and they can be brand-and material-specific

How do I get a contact lens prescription?

Start by scheduling a contact lens appointment with an Optician. Your first contact lens fitting will take a little longer than a regular eye examination, so make sure you specify that you are interested in contact lenses. You will often need to go back about a week later for a second appointment to confirm your prescription, so ask about scheduling any follow up appointments when you first call in. Want to find an optician near you who carries ACUVUE®? Find a nearby one here.

What is a base curve?

The base curve is the back curvature of a contact lens. It is used to determine the most comfortable natural fit to your eye.

What is diameter?

Diameter is the distance across the surface of your lens, from edge to edge. Your Optician will determine the correct diameter for you at your contact lens fitting.

Are contact lenses more expensive than glasses?

Contact lenses can be surprisingly affordable, and costs depend on the type of contact lens, and how often you replace or wear them. There are different contact lens options to suit a range of budgets, and replacing a lost contact lens can be inexpensive and easy compared to replacing lost or damaged prescription glasses.

Your Optician is the best person to advise you about different solutions for your needs and budget.

Wear & Care

Wear and care

Is it difficult to take care of contact lenses?

Advances in technology have made contact lenses even more convenient than before. Caring for them is easy with multipurpose lens solutions that make cleaning, disinfecting and storing your contacts simpler and more effective. For the most convenient way to wear contact lenses, consider daily disposable contact lenses such as ACUVUE® OASYS MAX 1-Day.

Your Optician will give you advice about how to use and care for your contact lenses.

Can I continue using my glasses if I start wearing contact lenses?

Of course. A lot of people alternate between glasses and contact lenses depending on what they’re doing or how they feel. You'll still need to keep a pair of glasses as back up, but the majority of people can wear contact lenses every day.

I don't need glasses all the time. Why should I wear contact lenses?

Even if you only wear glasses part-time, contact lenses can offer a convenient and easy alternative for certain activities like playing sports.

Unlike glasses, in normal wearing conditions, contact lenses won't smudge or steam up, and they give you a wider field of vision. However, if doing watersports, like swimming or surfing, then you should remove your contact lenses first.

Can I wear contact lenses while participating in sports or recreational activities?

Contact lenses are a great option for sports and an active lifestyle. They offer crisp, clear, uninhibited vision—and you won’t have to worry about them fogging up, falling off or breaking during a game like glasses can. Unfortunately this excludes watersports; contact lenses should be removed when taking part in water sports.

Are eye infections common when wearing contact lenses?

Contact lens-related health problems can occur, but they're rare. With proper care, the risk of eye infections is minimal. Infections are most often related to poor cleaning routines or other lens care related issues, so it is important that you follow your Optician’s wear and care advice.

What if I do get water on my contact lenses?

Always remember to remove contact lenses before swimming or engaging in any activity involving water.

  • If water accidentally gets in your eyes while wearing contact lenses, just follow these steps:
  • Take your lenses off as soon as possible to reduce the risk of irritation and infection.
  • Replace your contact lenses with a new pair.

If you regularly enjoy water sports, speak to your Optician.

Can I swim in contact lenses?

While contact lenses are perfect for an active lifestyle, it’s not advised to expose your contact lenses to water, and as such, swimming with contact lenses should be avoided.

This includes wearing contact lenses, not just while swimming, but also showering, bathing and using a hot tub.

Why shouldn’t I swim with contact lenses?

Water contains microorganisms that are generally harmless to humans. In very rare instances, however, they can attach to your contact lenses and remain on the surface, potentially leading to serious eye conditions. Symptoms can include inflammation of the cornea, redness, pain, light sensitivity, watering of the eye, and if left untreated even vision loss.

Keeping your eyes healthy with your contact lenses where water is concerned is easy. Just follow these simple steps:

  • Don’t swim or carry out any other activity involving water while wearing your contact lenses.
  • Ensure you wash and dry your hands properly prior to handling your lenses.
  • Never use tap water to rinse your contact lenses or contact lens case.
  • Always use the disinfecting solution advised by your eye care professional.
  • Remember to change your case regularly in line with instructions accompanying your disinfecting solutions.
  • If wearing reusable lenses, ensure you clean them properly in accordance to the manufacturer’s instructions and always store your lenses in fresh solution.

Can I sleep in contact lenses?

Most contact lens wearers know that unless using specific lenses for extended wear, you shouldn’t be sleeping while wearing your contact lenses. However, sometimes even the most experienced wearers can fall asleep with their lenses on at the end of a long day, or for an unplanned nap at home or when travelling.

Consult your eye care professional if you are considering wearing contact lenses overnight so they can consider whether this is a suitable option for you and discuss with you the increased risk of serious complications (i.e. corneal ulcer) when sleeping in contact lenses.

What should I do if I fall asleep with my contact lenses on?

If you spend the night having slept while wearing your contact lenses, they may feel a bit drier and more difficult to remove than usual. If you’re unsure or you notice any redness, pain or reduced vision, or can’t take your lenses out, seek immediate advice from your Optician.

Wait a few minutes before trying to remove your lenses. Use contact lens rewetting drops if needed. This will hydrate the lens and may allow it to be removed with greater ease. Leave your lenses out for at least a few hours, checking that your eyes feel and look normal.

What should I consider when flying with contact lenses?

The dry air of an aircraft cabin can dehydrate your eyes and make your contact lenses less comfortable than usual. For long haul flights, you may wish to consider wearing glasses that will also allow you to sleep.

Ensure your journey is as comfortable as possible with these useful flying with contact lenses tips:

  • Carry a travel sized bottle or individual doses of rewetting drops to relieve dry eyes and drink lots of water to keep as hydrated as possible.
  • Remove your contact lenses if you want to sleep.
  • Consider trying daily disposable lenses, as this means you won't have to carry solutions and lens cases around. Even if you normally wear reusable lenses, ask your optician about trying daily disposables, which are now available for most prescriptions.
  • If wearing daily disposable contact lenses, consider applying a fresh pair of lenses when you reach your destination.
  • If you wear reusable contact lenses, bring an extra pair or two in case you lose or damage your current pair.
  • If you are traveling to a sunny spot or skiing, be sure to read all about how to help protect your eyes from the sun.
  • Remember to keep essentials in your hand luggage, to avoid them getting lost in transit. Make sure to put your solution in a zip-lock bag in case of leakage.

Can I play sports or exercise with contact lenses?

Whether you’re an extreme sports enthusiast or just go running occasionally, contact lenses give you the freedom to focus on your sport.

  • Contact lenses give you clear all-round vision without the frames of your glasses restricting your view.
  • They don’t slip down your nose when you sweat or pick up reflections that distort your view.
  • They don't mist up or get splashed by the rain and won’t break if something accidentally hits you in the face.
  • They can be worn with masks, helmets, or any other type of sporting headgear.



What’s the difference between daily disposable and reusable contact lenses?

The main difference is how often you replace the lenses for a new pair. Daily disposable contact lenses are used for one day and then thrown away, so they don’t involve the use of contact lens solutions. You'll start with a new pair every time you put on your contact lenses.

Reusable contact lenses for daily wear require cleaning after you take them off, and are normally left to soak overnight in contact lens disinfecting solution. The lenses are replaced with a new pair according to your Optician’s instructions, usually every two weeks or every month.

What’s the difference between Astigmatism and toric contact lenses?

Astigmatism is a common condition that can result in blurred or distorted vision at all distances. It can affect people at any age and often people with Astigmatism are short-sighted or long-sighted too. Astigmatism occurs when the surface of the eye (cornea) or the lens behind it is not a round shape, but oval like a rugby ball. This distorts the light entering the eye which does not focus correctly on the retina, and as a result the image is blurred.

Toric is the name for the design of contact lenses needed to correct astigmatism. A toric lens has a different focusing power horizontally than it does vertically, enabling it to correct Astigmatism.

What's the difference between bifocal, varifocal and multifocal contact lenses?

In general, bifocal contact lenses are designed with only two zones of vision (short and long) in the same lens. Varifocal contact lenses are otherwise known as multifocal contact lenses and are designed with more than two zones of vision (short, long and in-between) in each lens and are used to correct Presbyopia.

What is hydrogel?

Hydrogel is a soft, water-holding material used to make contact lenses.

What is a silicone hydrogel?

Silicone hydrogel (SiHy) is the newest generation of soft contact lens material. SiHy material allows more oxygen through the lens compared to hydrogel.

What does Dk and Dk/t mean?

Dk, or oxygen permeability, is the rate that oxygen can flow through a contact lens material.

Dk/t or oxygen transmissibility, determines how much oxygen gets through a lens of a particular thickness.

Dk or Dk/t are not directly related to lens comfort.

Your Optician is the best person to advise you about this.

Eye Health

Eye health

I've been told I have Astigmatism. Can I still wear contact lenses?

Yes. ACUVUE® offers contact lenses that are specifically designed for people with astigmatism. You can wear daily disposable lenses such as: ACUVUE® OASYS 1-DAY for ASTIGMATISM, ACUVUE® OASYS 2-WEEK for ASTIGMATISM, and 1-DAY ACUVUE® MOIST for ASTIGMATISM.

Your Optician can help you decide which of these products is the best one for you.

Can I wear contact lenses if I’ve had cataract surgery?

Possibly, however your Optician will be able to advise you on this, as it varies for everyone.

If I’ve had LASIK or another refractive surgery, can I still wear contact lenses?

Possibly, your Optician can tell for certain. LASIK surgery permanently alters the shape of your eye, but doesn’t prevent the development of Presbyopia, so you may still need vision correction at some point. If your Optician feels that contact lenses are still an option, we believe that ACUVUE® is an excellent choice.

How do allergies affect contact lenses?

The eye's response to allergens like pollen and dander can make contact lenses more difficult to wear. Allergens may accumulate on the contact lens causing additional discomfort.

Always follow your Optician’s wear and care advice, and opt for contact lenses suited for eyes with sensitivities, for example, daily disposable lenses like ACUVUE® OASYS MAX 1-DAY which are fresh and clean every day.

Still not finding what you're looking for?

Contact us with any other questions you might have.

Get started with ACUVUE® contact lenses

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All ACUVUE® contact lenses have UV Blocking to help provide protection against transmission of harmful UV radiation to the cornea and into the eye. UV absorbing contact lenses are NOT substitutes for protective UV absorbing eyewear such as UV absorbing goggles or sunglasses because they do not completely cover the eye and surrounding area. You should continue to use UV absorbing eyewear as directed by your optician.

*T&Cs apply: 1 trial per person. 18+. Professional consultation and fitting fees may apply and are not included. Subject to Optician approval. Participating Opticians only. For full terms and conditions see here.

Important information for contact lens wearers: ACUVUE® Contact Lenses can be used for vision correction. An Eye Care Professional will determine whether contact lenses are right for you. Although rare, serious eye problems can develop while wearing contact lenses. To help avoid these problems, follow the wear and replacement schedule and instructions on proper lens care. Do not wear contact lenses if you have an eye infection, any eye disease or systemic disease, that may affect the eye, or if you are allergic to any ingredients. If you experience eye discomfort, excessive tearing, vision changes, redness or other eye problems, remove the lens and contact your Eye Care Professional immediately. For more information, including warnings and precautions, carefully read the Instructions for Use.


© Johnson & Johnson Medical Limited 2024. All rights reserved. This site is published by Johnson & Johnson Medical Limited, which is solely responsible for its content. It is intended for residents of United Kingdom and Ireland.
Last updated 18/06/2024
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